Sunday, November 16, 2008

CEO Felonies, Larcinies,Bungling and Incompetence

When I think of a large corporation I think that the leader should be beyond ethical
reproach. The CEO should be held to the highest levels of ethical behavior and corporate standards of excellence. There words and actions should withstand the
strict scrutiny of the Board, Shareholders and the Public. What I see is lowlifes in
expensive suit raping and pilfering from within the corporation. Why aren't these
incompetent scumbags arrested for larceny, fraud and grand larceny?
During the French Revolution there was the guillotine. Might the guillotining of all
the CEO's that steal from the corporate body be a good start?

1 comment:

David Hart, American Artist said...

Well, upon rumination, the guillotine
is too extreme. Public flogging
would be better. They can wear their
Armani suits will being secured in
the stocks.